
→ Qualified European Patent Attorney
→ Industrial Engineer (Speciality Industrial Electronics)
→ Online Documentation Master (MASDOC) UB (University of Barcelona)
→ Post-graduated studies in Spanish and European Patents UB
→ Master in software and bioinformatics in US


→ Patent Agency Pascual Civanto – Technical Manager 9 YEARS
→ Manuel de Rafael & CIA, S.L. – Technical Manager 10 YEARS
→ Torner Juncosa I Associats, S.L. – General Manager 12 YEARS


→ In charge of the Master of Industrial Property – CDEI School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona UPC – since 2004
→ Lecturer at ESADE 2001 – 2002 PCT
→ Lecturer at Barcelona Centre de Patents 2001, 2004 computer related inventions
→ Extensive experience as an expert in courts (Spain, France and Germany)
→ Languages: Catalan, Spanish, French, English and German